4 thoughts on “Voltlog #38 – 60W Dummy Load Review”

  1. J’apprecie beaucoup votre video sur le dummy load 60w.
    je me suis procurer le meme. j’ai regarder le plan que vous avez fait , et je me pose une question sur une resistance dans le circuit de limatioin du courant.
    sur le comparateur TLC272D la pin 5 , je trouve une resistance de 10k au ground et une resistance de 10k reliee a une reliee en serie de 10k aussi.
    sur celui que je viens d’acheter , la resistance qui est au ground , elle est de 1k.est-ce que c’est la bonne valeur ou je doit la remplacer par une 10k.
    salutation Serge T.

  2. HI
    I wrote you a comment, yesterday Dec 17, 2020
    I want to tell you that it is the resistance R102 which is 1K and that the resistance R103 which is 10k.
    on the plan it seems that the R102 is 10k.
    I am telling you that because the measured current value is false compared to the requested value.
    For example for 200 ma requested we have a current close to 280ma measured.
    If we ask for more, the gap is even greater.
    Thank you for your understanding.
    Greetings Serge T.

  3. Hi Florin,

    A bit late…. but a few weeks ago I remembered about that nice little E-Load I bought back then (not at least because of Voltlog#38+39).

    I found out that there where some projects on GitHub which developed custom Firmware for it and gave it a shot.
    The main motivation was that I wanted to use the serial connection to plot nice lipo discharge curves in an easy way.

    As it was not that strait forward to find a good suitable version within the projects of the firmware and there also was no “how to get started” guide, I wrote down my steps to compile and flash a custom firmware for the ZPB30A1.

    The electronic load works really nice with that new firmware and you can control it via the serial port now. The next thing for me will be to create a fork in order to improve the serial protocol furthermore… (that’s just a matter of find the time).

    Maybe that will help someone, sometime and maybe there will be more who find it interesting and want to help to further develop the firmware in order to implement new ideas…

    Here’s the link https://gist.github.com/dirksan28/4671db81ac1009e13b50d0cd0259570e to my lab-notes.


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