Voltlog #174 – UNI-T UT125C Pocket Multimeter Review

Hello and welcome everyone, today it’s review time and we are taking a look at the UNI-T UT125C Pocket Multimeter. This is a 4000 count, CAT III 600V pocket meter they claim but as we’ll see in a moment it’s a bit bigger than an actual pocket meter.

Here are some links where you can order the UNI-T UT125C Pocket Multimeter: AliexpressAmazonEbay,  Banggood

Here are some links with the other items mentioned in this video:

Here is the pocket multimeter spreadsheet where I list all the meters I’ve looked at.


Voltlog #148 – Affordable Pocket Multimeter Shootout

In this episode we are going to be taking a look at the affordable pocket multimeter market, I’ve god 4 models which you can get for under $20 and I’m going to review these to see which one is best.


If you just want to skip to the results checkout this spreadsheet on google docs.

Here are links to where you can buy these pocket multimeters:

Here are the pictures from the teardown of these meters:

Voltlog #116 – UNI-T UT211B Clamp Meter Review & Teardown

today we are taking a look at the UNIT UT211B clamp meter it can do both AC and DC measurement and it has 1mA resolution on DC measurements and 0.1mA on AC. We’re also going to take a look at the DANIU P1600D test lead kit which has a bunch of accessories that might be useful.

Links to products reviewed in this video: