Voltlog #224 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new InTheMail, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. We’re gonna start with this small and modern looking remote control. I actually like how this feels, even though the cost was just $3 shipped it just feels well built, the quality of the plastic is nice, the buttons have a nice click and it comes pre-loaded with batteries.

You can then use this remote control to open the garage door or whatever you like to control. But do note that this will not work with all 433MHz remotes, because some remote controls employ some form of coding, to protect the signal from being easily cloned. Take for example the automotive key fobs, some of those work on 433MHz but you won’t be able to clone them with this remote. Nonetheless, useful for creating a copy of your garage door remote control or even better, you could hack this remove and integrate it into your car dash console on some of those unused button slots. That would be a cool project.

Voltlog #222 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new InTheMail, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. We’re gonna start with this insulation sheet, this was listed as ceramic fiber insulation blanket and it’s suppose to withstand high temperatures. Up to what temperature? I don’t know because the listing didn’t contain that information but it did say that it could be used on stoves so I would guess up to 300 degrees Celsius.

Voltlog #219 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new InTheMail, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. We’re gonna start with a set of 3 prying tools from Best which is kinda of known in the mobile phone repair business, it’s a Chinese brand that sells this kind of tools. I like these because they have a nice rubber handle which provides a good grip for when you’re trying to pry open an enclosure.

Voltlog #216 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new voltlog, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time.

We’re gonna start with this multimeter thermocouple which I got from ebay, it’s brown, it looks familiar to those who have a fluke multimeter, and yes it’s branded Fluke. However I got this from ebay for just a few dollars delivered from China so it might as well be fake but honestly who cares, it’s just a thermocouple, it’s gonna work just fine even if it’s a fake one. The think is I got my fluke 87 used without original packaging so it was missing the thermocouple but now I can plug this in and measure temperature as well.

Voltlog #213 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new voltlog, the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. We’re gonna start the video with a battery charger from Liitokala, model number is Engineer Lii-500. It works with an external 12V power supply which I opted not to get because we all have a bunch of 12V adapter from old equipment.

Voltlog #203 – InTheMail With Cheap Electronic Components

So LCSC seem to be trying to be like the Digikey or Farnell of china and I think they are succeeding. Yes they have many problems regarding their website, which doesn’t exactly make it easy for us to filter and find the required part as we will see in a moment, but it might be worth the trouble because you get access to a whole new set of chips coming from Asia that you wouldn’t normally find and all of this at very affordable prices.

Another advantage is that you can bundle together your PCB order with your Component order and have them delivered in the same package. That’s a pretty neat idea, considering that you find anything you could need in their inventory. You could practically build an entire project with just a single order placed online.

Voltlog #200 – InTheMail

Welcome to a new voltlog, the first one in 2019 and what better way to start the year than with a InTheMail video the series that will touch both your passion for electronics and your bank account at the same time. As some of you might know I’ve recently created my patreon page so for those that would like to support me making these videos, you will find a link the description below, any pledge amount is appreciated, even 1$, just imagine half of my subscribers pledging 1$ a month. And if you can’t offer any donations, that’s fine too, my content will continue to be free.

Links for all of the items shown in the video will be in the video description, on youtube.