2023’s Best Electronics Engineer Gifts | 462

As an electronics engineer, having the right tools can make all the difference in productivity and efficiency. With the 11.11 Shopping Festival just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to upgrade your workbench or surprise your engineer friend with a thoughtful gift. In this guide, we’ve curated a list of top-notch products that are sure to delight any tech enthusiast.

First on the list is high-quality ESD protection from Welectron. Their anti-static mats are not only durable and chemical-resistant but also free from unpleasant odors, ensuring a comfortable working environment. Whether you need a large mat for your workbench or a compact one for your computer desk, Welectron has got you covered.

Next up is the highly anticipated Raspberry Pi 5, a true powerhouse for any electronics engineer or hobbyist. With a significant performance boost and new features like PCIe Gen2 and an RTC module, this little computer packs a punch. As an official Raspberry Pi distributor, Welectron is the go-to source for snagging one of these coveted devices.

For those in need of a thermal camera, the options are diverse and tailored to different use cases. The DytSpectrumOwl is a top choice for PCB inspection on your workbench, while the UNI-T UTi260B and Infiray P2 PRO offer portability and macro lens capabilities, respectively. Whichever you choose, a thermal camera can unlock new levels of productivity and troubleshooting prowess.

The Sugon 8650 Hot Air Station is a game-changer for soldering and rework tasks. With its precise temperature regulation, massive power output, and user-friendly interface, this station can handle even the most demanding jobs with ease. Investing in this top-of-the-line tool is a surefire way to elevate your soldering skills.

Last but not least, the FNIRSI USB power monitors (FNB58 and FNB48) are sleek and highly capable tools for measuring USB power delivery. With their exceptional resolution, cable chip detection, and Bluetooth data logging, these monitors are a must-have for any engineer working with USB-C and power delivery protocols.

Two Good Reasons To Attend Tech Conferences | Voltlog #458

Going to tech conferences and events can be an incredibly rewarding experience, both professionally and personally. As someone who has attended several such events, I can attest to the invaluable benefits of networking and knowledge gain. Firstly, let’s talk about networking. These events bring together professionals from various companies and backgrounds, creating a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.

It’s a chance to exchange ideas, share experiences, and potentially forge new partnerships or collaborations. In fact, I’ve found that around 80% of the value I derive from attending conferences comes from the networking aspect. During my recent visit to The Things Conference in Amsterdam, I had the pleasure of meeting and conversing with representatives from companies like RAKWireless and Voltaic Systems.

These interactions not only allowed me to learn about their cutting-edge products but also opened doors for potential future collaborations or consulting opportunities. Moreover, the connections made at these events can be invaluable in solving technical challenges. I vividly recall an instance where reaching out to an STMicroelectronics engineer I met at the Embedded World conference in Nuremberg helped me resolve a complex issue within 24 hours – a task that would have taken significantly longer through traditional support channels.

Secondly, attending conferences is a fantastic way to gain knowledge and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in your field. The presentations, workshops, and exhibitions provide a wealth of information from industry experts and thought leaders. At The Things Conference, for example, I learned about Echostar’s innovative LoRa modules that can seamlessly switch between terrestrial and satellite communication, offering unlimited range capabilities.

In addition to the formal sessions, the informal conversations and networking opportunities often lead to valuable insights and knowledge sharing. I’ve made great friends, like Orkhan, a hardware engineer and fellow viewer of the Voltlog channel, with whom I’ve even collaborated on projects after meeting at a conference.

Overall, attending tech conferences and events is an investment in your professional growth and personal network. The knowledge gained and connections made can open doors to new opportunities, solve complex problems, and foster collaborations that might not have been possible otherwise.

10 Gift Ideas For Electrical Engineers In 2021 | Voltlog #389

If you are an electrical or electronics engineer then you probably noticed how non-technical people around you are struggling when it comes to choosing a gift for you and if you are a non-technical person and you need to buy a gift for an engineer, then this video is for you so stick around.

Unlike other similar videos which will generally recommend gift ideas without actually testing them, I’m  going to recommend stuff that I personally own and have used for enough time to know if it’s any good or not. For all of the stuff shown in this video there will be links in the description to Banggood, Amazon or Aliexpress which are the usual places where I do my shopping and I decided to release this video a little early because there is the 11.11 shopping festival on Aliexpress and Banggood and you might get some nice discounts on these orders.

Voltlog #286 – How Is The Coronavirus Affecting PCB Production?

Welcome to a new Voltlog, I have a couple of projects in the pipeline right now that require PCBs and as usual I will be getting them from JLCPCB who have been sponsoring my videos for a while now and even if they weren’t I would still be ordering from them because I like how their service runs. But the problem right now as you may know is the Coronavirus infection. In order to contain the spread of the virus, companies in China have moved to a work from home scenario with only minimal required personnel present  on site. 

This coupled with the extended holiday which was issued after the spring festival means decreased manufacturing capacity which leads to long lead times as customers line up to get their PCBs manufactured.

So this video is more an update on the current situation because I am in contact with JLCPCB and I want to give you some info on the expected delays for pcb orders. Right now they offer production of 2 layer pcbs as well as smt assembly service and stencil production service but 4 layer, 6 layer and ENIG coated pcb manufacturing has been suspended until further notice.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year From Voltlog

I would like to take this moment to thank you for being with me in 2019, you my subscribers are the ones that motivate me to keep producing these videos, the feedback you are sending through comments is very important to me and I thank you for that. 2019 was the year when I started my Patreon account and I was surprised to learn that people wanted to support the channel immediately. I now have 23 patrons who support the channel monthly for which I am grateful and if you like to do so yourself, you will find a link in the description of the video.

Voltlog #194 – Gift Ideas For Makers – Christmas 2018

Welcome to a new voltlog, so december is coming up and some of you might be thinking what gifts you could offer to your loved ones. I thought I’d share my ideas and what I would like to receive as a maker or hobbyist. The criteria for choosing these items were mainly to be decent quality products, at affordable prices and be things that a maker would later use in his projects. As usual you will find links in the description on the video on youtube to places where you can order these online.

So these are my recommendations for you, I would for example be happy to receive any of the above and that’s how I made this list, thinking about what I would be happy to receive or what would be really useful and fund at the same time for a maker. Let me know in the comments below if the list helped you in any way to choose the right gift for someone. Thank you for watching!

Voltlog – Soldering tools & accessories

Soldering is probably the thing I do most often at the workbench and so it’s important for me to have a good soldering station. While a JBC station would be the perfect candidate they are super expensive and so out of reach for most hobbyists, that’s why I had to look for something else.

Hakko makes decent soldering stations, especially with their newer T12 cartridge style tips. But you can save even more by choosing an after-market T12 compatible STM32 based soldering station and buying just a genuine Hakko T12 tip from an authorized distributor. So here are references to the tools and supplies I use for soldering.

I use an STM32, Hakko t12 compatible, soldering station which I got a long time ago from Taobao. If you would like to see more details about this station you should watch Voltlog #85. Currently there are similar options available on Aliexpress or Ebay. Things to lookout or ask the seller about: does it have a soft and heat resistant silicone cable? Does it come with a stand, so you can rest the soldering iron? I would advise to get a couple of genuine hakko T12 tips from a known distributor.

If you get a hakko T12 compatible soldering station you will also need some T12 tips. As mentioned earlier don’t get them cheap from ebay, those are counterfeit tips that do not have the same performance as a genuine tip and this will directly affect how easy it is to solder something. I will list 3 of my favorite tip styles, but depending on the jobs you do these may or may not be the best choice: I use the T12-KU tip daily for almost anything, I use the T12-JL02 for fine smd work and I use the T12-D16 for thicker smd pads.

I sometimes use the hot air station, it’s either for repairs or quick assembly of surface mount components, and sometimes just for heating up heat shrink tubing. I have a very old one called Gordak 952 which is probably a clone of something from Hakko. It must be at least 10 years old but it still works and since I don’t use it everyday I never felt the need to replace it with something newer.

Currently there are better options on the market so take a look at these links on ebay and aliexpress for reference. If you will be using this a lot maybe you want something better, I’ve heard the Quick 861DW is a good hot air station: ebay and aliexpress links.

If you want a great portable soldering iron, I highly recommend the TS100. It was featured in voltlog #186 and I was pleasantly impressed with the performance. It had one downside, that is I couldn’t calibrate the temperature measurement perfectly but I can live with that as long as the performance is good. You can get it from banggood, ebay or aliexpress. I would recommend getting it from banggood because there are also fakes being sold on ebay and aliexpress.

If you are on a tight budget and cannot afford getting the TS100, then you can get an even cheaper portable soldering iron which is powered with a 5V usb port. I’ve used this one successfully before I got the TS100 and powered from a good powerbank I had no problem soldering 18AWG wires. Check it out on ebay, aliexpress.

If you do repair jobs on through-hole components often than you will need a desoldering gun which is practically a soldering iron combined with a pump that can suck the solder away. This is extremely useful if you do a lot of desoldering, the job gets done in a matter of seconds and with stress to the pcb and component. I have the S-993A 90W desoldering gun which was featured in voltlog #101. You can find it on banggoodebay and aliexpress.

If you rarely do repair jobs on through hole components, than a manual desoldering pump is cheap and might work just fine for you. There are many models available and if you can afford get a good one from a known distributor, they will last longer, if not you can get a cheap one from ebay or aliexpress.

You will also need some supplies for soldering and depending on your location and budget you might find some of these brands while others are unavailable but one thing is for sure: genuine good brand solder wire and flux work so much better than cheap fake stuff.

If we are talking about solder wire, I highly recommend you get the good stuff, because it will have a fine tuned alloy that will melt and flow better while at the same time containing a flux core that will help with soldering. For hobby go with leaded solder wire, here are some good brands to search for: Kester, Multicomp, Alpha, Weller, Amtech, Loctite.

If we are talking about flux, once again I highly recommend you get the good stuff, because it will help with your soldering or repair job while at the same time leave a minimum amount of residue which can be cleaned if necessary. The fake Amtech flux that everybody buys from ebay/china works too, not as good but works. The big disadvantage is that we don’t know what they put inside that flux and we are inhaling those fumes. Also the residue it leaves on a board its pretty hard to clean when compared to the genuine stuff. As a general rule, amtech flux is made in the USA so you can’t get it for a couple of dollars from China. Get it from a known distributor: in Europe try TME, in the US try Louis Rossmann. I recommend the Amtech gel flux NC-559-V2 or ASM variant as well as various flux pens from Kester that can be used for quick jobs.

If you use flux you will be left with some residue on the board after soldering. Most flux types are no-clean type, meaning you can leave the residue on the board and it won’t affect it, however it’s nice to have clean boards so I recommend you get yourself some flux cleaner or IPA (isopropyl alcohol). I find that special flux cleaner works better than IPA in most cases. Any flux cleaner will work here and you will have to find a brand that is available in your area. I am using AG TermoPasty KontaktU because it’s available in Europe from TME. And while you are shopping for flux cleaner also add a can of contact cleaner for that odd electrical job where you need to clean the contacts on some sensor or switch.

Another chemical that is often overlooked is a soldering tip refreshing paste. This stuff will get the shine back on your soldering iron tip, making it ideal for taking solder. During extended usage, because of the high heat and the corrosive action of the flux used for soldering, the soldering iron tip might become oxidized.

So you put the tip inside the refreshing paste and it will clean it. This shouldn’t be used constantly, but only when needed because the past is moderately aggressive so it might wear out your tip prematurely. I use the Mechanic MCN-8S which is a Chinese brand which I find works well and it’s fairly inexpensive. You can find it on ebay and aliexpress.

My preferred method for cleaning the soldering tip is brass sponge. I don’t like the wet sponge method because it applies a thermal shock to the tip, lowering the temperature. The brass sponge is more abrasive and will wear out the soldering tip faster if you overuse it but I just find it works better for me. You can find these on ebay and aliexpress.

Some people use them, some people don’t. I have a magnifier & helping hand combo that even has some LED lights but I only use it once or twice a year. I don’t need magnification when soldering and if I would need magnification I would get a fancy microscope for soldering. Here is the one I have: banggood and aliexpress.

I use a cheap ESD mat and I also have a smaller silicone mat for soldering jobs because the ESD mat I have does not offer protection for higher temperatures while the smaller silicone mat will hapily take the soldering iron or some hot air without melting. There are newer fancy silicone mats that even have different compartments for storing screws, here are some links here: banggood, aliexpress.

As for the ESD mat you might find a local supplier that sells good quality ESD mats or you can order one like I did from aliexpress.

Tweezers are important, they help you handle small smd parts or wires, while soldering them but they can also be useful for other tasks. If you can afford it, get a good quality set, they will last longer and provide a better experience while using them. Good tweezers like the ones from Knipex tend to cost about $15 a piece so instead I’m using cheap tweezers that I usually get from banggood or aliexpress but I do plan on getting one or two of the good ones.

I use a cheap hobby knife (ebay or aliexpress) and cheap replacement blades (ebay or aliexpress). Sure the handle is not great and the blades don’t last very long but they are so cheap that it feels okay replacing them whenever I need a fresh blade.

And that’s pretty much all I use on the bench, if you have any questions, leave a comment below.

Voltlog #191 – First Order From China

About 10 years ago I placed my first order in China. How about you? When did you first order something from China and when was that? I would be happy to hear your story so put it in the comments below.

So it was straight to the big league for me, I went on Alibaba and found a pcb supplier which was willing to make these boards for me, I think I needed about 20 boards and ended up paying something like $500 USD for those.


Voltlog #185 – First Q&A Video

Welcome to a new Voltlog, something new today, this is the first Q&A video I’ve done and I hope you will enjoy it. It should be a great way of finding out new stuff about me. I did a post on my channel a couple of weeks back, announcing this but there weren’t that many questions posted there and I get a feeling the post didn’t get shown to all of the subscribers of the channel maybe just a few. So if you would like to ask me something else, please leave a comment below and I’ll answer the question in a future Q&A video. Also remember to interact with the video, maybe hit that like button because that should help expose the video to a wider audience.