Results for ST-link V2
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Helpful reviews about ST-link V2
2024-03-05 16:28:46
Vychaina blue pigulka. For simple, non-resource, aprons. Chip Nibi originalniy. I'm not a bachyv, and I'm not a bachyv in openocd.
2022-02-14 18:17:09
The pinout isn't like in the picture. So if you have "standard" connectors, be careful. The label on the case is accurate.
2024-02-20 09:42:22
The programmer is not the original controller. The inscriptions correspond to the contacts. In STM32 St-link is defined and the controller is properly stitched. The USB connector itself is not fully sealed as can be seen in the photo, or rather, the ears of the case are not sealed.