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Results for cloth tape

Looking for cloth tape? If you want to choose from a wide range of great and affordable products, visiting AliExpress is your first choice. AliExpress has a huge selection of cloth tape. In addition to high quality products, you will also get discounts during our super sale. You can also filter for products that offer fast shipping or free returns to narrow your search for cheap discounts. Various cloth tape at discounted prices are waiting for you on AliExpress!

Enjoy the latest cloth tape deals on AliExpress

Cloth tape earns its high-strength reputation from the use of industrial fabrics as the backing for the adhesive. This increases the tensile strength of the product and enhances the geometric adaptability of the product during application. Other common benefits of utilizing cloth and fabric as the carrier include heat resistance, insulation, abrasion resistance, and breathability. Similar to other types of tape, cloth tape’s usage is largely determined by compatibility with the bonding substrate, most notably the capabilities of the adhesive.

Packaging Tape Specifications
Tape Dimensions
For tapes, there are two important geometrical aspects to consider: width and thickness. Length is unimportant because this is determined by the user at the point of application.
Width is the measurement across predetermined edges of the tape. Tapes can be cut by the customer to smaller widths.
Thickness is the distance between the two, flattened surfaces of the tape (carrier and adhesive). It is usually expressed in mils or thousandths of an inch and is measured under pressure with a gauge.
Tape Features

Tensile strength is the maximum load the tape can withstand. Cloth tapes exhibit some of the highest strength ranges available.
Peel strength is the amount of force needed to separate two bonded surfaces. This is commonly rated in ounces per square inch to stainless steel. This is separate from the peel strength for the tape liner, which is considerably less.
Temperature resistance is the amount of heat the tape can be subjected to without compromising the tape’s performance. Cloth tapes such as glass, fiberglass, and nuclear-grade tapes remain uncompromised at temperatures over 200 ºF.
Abrasion resistance is the level of scratch resistance and ruggedness of the tape.
Transparent products allow the transmission of light. A tape is rated as transparent if 10-point type can be read easily when the tape is applied directly over it.
Once applied, products become permanently bonded to the substrate.
Weather resistant products are suitable for outdoor use and resistant to ultraviolet (UV) light, cold, heat, water, or other weather conditions.
